Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017


It is estimated that the total investment capital of Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company’s steel factory project is about VND 2,200 billion. The factory will be built in Ba Ria Vung Tau province.
The Board of Directors of Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company (Stock code: NKG) has just released a resolution approving the pre-feasibility study report of Nam Kim Steel Factory in Ba Ria Vung Tau.
Total capacity of the factory is estimated at 800,000 tons per year with an expected investment capital of about VND 2,200 billion.
The factory will produce zinc galvanized iron sheets, zinc-aluminum galvanized iron sheets, paint-coated zinc-aluminum galvanized iron sheets, and paint-coated zinc galvanized iron sheets. In addition, the factory will manufacture steel pipes, box steel, and products made from rolled steel, cold rolled steel, zinc galvanized steel, black steel tape, zinc galvanized steel tape.
The Board of Directors authorized Mr. Ho Minh Quang – Chairman of the Board of Directors – to decide the location of the project, sign land lease contracts and purchase machines and production lines.
Recently, Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company held an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to approve of the plan to issue 30 million shares to strategic shareholders at a price of not less than VND 27,000 per share. The release time will be in the third or fourth quarter of 2017.
The proceeds from the issuance of shares is around VND 810 billion. In particular, VND 400 billion will be used to add to working capital; VND 150 billion will be used to invest in the Nam Kim Steel project which is under construction; and VND 260 billion will be used to invest in Nam Kim Corea Joint Stock Company.
In the second quarter of 2017, Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company’s revenue reached VND 3,094 billion, rising by 42%. However, its profit after taxes fell by 19%, reaching VND 194 billion.
Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company said that the cost of raw materials and selling expenses increased because it promoted the development of marketing its brand. In addition, Nam Kim 3 factory put into operation a number of lines, thus increasing the medium-term interest expenses 112% to VND 68 billion. These factors made the company’s profit after taxes drop by 19%.
In 2017, Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company plans to produce 800,000 tons of products per year, an increase of 48% in comparison with 2016.

Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 6, 2016

[ANTI DUMPING] Final AD/CVD Rates on Corrosion USA MARKET

The goods new was comping to Vietnamese mill steel from 27 May 2016, The anti dumping tax increased for Taiwan mill steel, Korean mill steel. For the galvanized steel coil, Galvalume steel coil, Pre painted steel coil. As you know the demand for steel coil so big around 4,000,000 mts per year. Moreover, the local steel can not supply for all of demand. How the manufacturer of Purlin, coil center, roofing can service during those time?
Vietnam mill steel for Galvanized Galvalume, Pre painted Galvanized, Pre painted Galvalume steel coil is one of the best of the best choose for all of you. Nam Kim Steel is one of the biggest mill steel in Vietnam We would like to welcome the partner is around the world.
As below, I would supply to you the Changes from Preliminary to Final AD/CVD Rates on Corrosion.
Steel Market Update (SMU) does not anticipate the spread between hot rolled base prices and those of domestic galvanized/Galvalume will be reduced any time soon. The U.S. Department of Commerce latest ruling on corrosion resistant steels will put new wind in the steel mills’ sails. The DOC final determinations on antidumping (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD) against China, Korea, Taiwan, India and Italy surprised many as being much higher than anticipated.
The net result may be even fewer galvanized and Galvalume foreign steel suppliers coming to the United States. We also expect more upward pressure may be brought to bear on galvanized and Galvalume prices here in the States.
Steel Market Update spoke with a number of trading companies today and they expressed surprise and many were clearly spooked at the reversal of the Preliminary Determinations with Korea, India and Italy. Even Taiwan did not skate away free and clear in the latest ruling.
You must remember when reviewing the Final Determination ruling that this is a two step process. There is a Final ruling on Antidumping (AD) and then there is a Final ruling on Countervailing Duty (CVD) and the two are then combined (with a formula to adjust AD rates for export subsidies paid in country) with the result being the Final Department of Commerce deposit recommendation. The International Trade Commission will reach their final injury determination on corrosion resistant steels in July. They have the final say and they can overturn, reduce or otherwise alter what the US Department of Commerce has done to date.
SMU spoke with trade attorney Lewis E. Leibowitz ( about the DOC ruling and what it means. Essentially what have changed are the deposit rates that will be charged on steel imports arriving from the affected countries when they enter the United States. In the case of countervailing duties the collection date is backdated. We will have more on the specific deposit rates, dates and any products not covered next week when we return from the Memorial Day Holiday.
Brett Linton in our office compared the Preliminary Determination on Antidumping to the Final Determination and we put the results into a clean table for you to review (see below). Of particular interest, from our perspective, are the increases seen for Italy, Korea and Taiwan. The Indian mills did receive a small reduction in their AD rates. Chinese rates were reduced but continue to be prohibitive.

The second piece of the puzzle is the countervailing duty Final Determination which saw increases in China, India and Italy (Arvedi and Marcegaglia), no change in Taiwan (zero) and a small reduction in Korea.

Trade, trade law and what companies can do to protect themselves and their sources of supply will be part of our 6th Steel Summit Conference which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on August 29-31, 2016. Trade attorney Lewis E. Leibowitz, who is referenced in the article above, will present a 1.5 hour program on the subject as part of our conference. You can find details about our schedule, speakers and their biographies, location, hotel and costs as well as registration on our website:
– See more at:

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 3, 2016

Galvalume Metal Coatings from Vietnam – No Anti dumping

Galvalume Metal No Anti dumping and solution

Galvalume Metal Coatings – No Anti dumping
Galvalume Metal Coatings – No Anti dumping
Anti dumping steel coil is killing slowly to Malaysia Galvalume Metal coating steel coil Market, Australia Galvalume Metal coating steel coil Market , America Galvalume Metal coating steel coil Market, Mexico Galvalume Metal coating steel coil Market, Thailand Galvalume Metal coating steel coil on. So choosing the mil without anti dumping is one of the most important that we need to know in the steel business. Changing the mil is not easy for every one. in the Big contract we will be lost a lot of money when the produce coming out of our control. So Nam Kim Steel manufacturer is one of the biggest mil steel in Vietnam. We will help you to solve that kindly of problems. NO ANTI DUMPING – GREAT QUALITY – FAST SUPPLY  – RELIABLE – REASONABLE PRICE – GOOD SERVICE.

Galvalume Metal Coatings from Vietnam - No anti dumping

Technology: NOF
Standard: JIS 3321/ ASTM A792
Coating thickness: AZ50 – AZ 210 (*)
Base Metal Thickness: 0.20 – 1.0 (mm)
Width: 600 – 1,250 (mm)
(*) AZ is used for the aluminium-zinc coated layer

Outstanding quality Galvalume Metal Coatings from Vietnam - no anti dumping

Especially produced for various using purpose. Duration is 4 times longer than other normal Gls. 
High anti-corrosion and anti-heat
The anti-finger layer:
Anti-stain and anti-oxidization. Keeping the surface of the products shiny for a long time. 
Reduce cracks, scratchs of coating layer in the process of stamping and rolling..

Packaging & Shipping Galvalume Metal Coatings from Vietnam

 Export standard

Our Services Galvalume Metal Coatings from Vietnam

 NAM KIM Steel JSC is one of leading steel manufacturer in Vietnam
Our main markets are Southeast AsiaMiddle EastSouth AsiaIndonesiaSingapore
Our  products have certificated by many standards: ISO (ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 14001: 2004),
 JIS (Japan Industrial Standard) JIS G3341, G3322, G3321,G3312, G3302, USA (
ASTM A792/792M), Australia (AS 1397(G550), AS 1365(G300)…
There are our several products as follows:
+ Galvanized Steel Sheet in Coil (GI)

+ Zinc Aluminium Coated Steel in Coil (GL)

+ Pre-painted Galvanized Steel Sheet in Coil (PPGI)
+ Pre-painted Zinc Aluminium Coated Steel in Coil (PPGL)
+ Steel pipe ( square – rectangle pipe)

Company Information Galvalume steel coil from viet nam

At the moment, Nam have two factory which is in Binh Duong Province with the best production lines From Korean and Germany. Our product is always chosen very strict according to JIS ( Japan Standard ) before packing and exporting

Outstanding quality Galvalume Metal Coatings from Vietnam - no anti dumping

Especially produced for various using purposes. Duration is 4 times longer than other normal GIs, High anti-corrosion and anti-heat.
The anti-finger layer:
Anti-stain and anti – oxidization
Keeping the surface of the products shiny for a long time.
Reduce cracks, scratchs of coating layer in the process of stamping and rolling.
Industrial & civil construction.
Production of roofing, walls, ceilings, gutters…
Sliding door, rolling door, folding door..
Interior and exterior decoration.
Drainage pipes, air conditioning pipes.
Computer cases, electrical cabinets, washing machines…
Nam Kim Group | Nam Kim Steel | Nam Kim Steel Manufacturer
Cell: 0084.1699.493.696 | Skype : Thaiphikhanh_bily
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” Colossians 3:23
Google search:
Galvalume Metal Coatings from Vietnam – No Anti dumping
Galvalume metal coating from vietnam
Anti dumping steel coil and solution

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 3, 2016

Galvanized Metal Coatings from Vietnam – No Anti dumping

Galvanized Metal No Anti dumping and solution

Galvanized Metal Coatings from Vietnam - No Anti dumpingAnti dumping steel coil is killing slowly to Malaysia Galvanized Metal coating steel coil Market, Australia Galvanized Metal coating steel coil Market , America Galvanized Metal coating steel coil Market, Mexico Galvanized Metal coating steel coil Market, Thailand Galvanized Metal coating steel coil on. So choosing the mil without anti dumping is one of the most important that we need to know in the steel business. Changing the mil is not easy for every one. in the Big contract we will be lost a lot of money when the produce coming out of our control. So Nam Kim Steel manufacturer is one of the biggest mil steel in Vietnam. We will help you to solve that kindly of problems. NO ANTI DUMPING – GREAT QUALITY – FAST SUPPLY  – RELIABLE – REASONABLE PRICE – GOOD SERVICE.

Galvanized Metal Coatings from Vietnam – No Anti dumping

Technology: NOF
Standard: JIS 3302/ ASTM A653
Coating thickness: Z60 – AZ 275 (*)
Base Metal Thickness: 0.20 – 1.2 (mm)
Width: 600 – 1,250 (mm)
(*) Z is used for the Zinc coated layer

Outstanding quality Galvanized Metal Coatings from Vietnam – no anti dumping

Especially produced for various using purpose. Duration is 4 times longer than other normal Gls. 
High anti-corrosion and anti-heat
The anti-finger layer:
Anti-stain and anti-oxidization. Keeping the surface of the products shiny for a long time. Reduce cracks, 
scratchs of coating layer in the process of stamping and rolling..

Packaging & Shipping Galvanized Metal Coatings from Vietnam- no anti dumping

 Export standard

Our Services Galvanized Metal Coatings from Vietnam – no anti dumping

 NAM KIM Steel JSC is one of leading steel manufacturer in Vietnam
Our main markets are Southeast AsiaMiddle EastSouth AsiaIndonesiaSingapore
Our  products have certificated by many standards: ISO (ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 14001: 2004), 
JIS (Japan Industrial Standard) JIS G3341, G3322, G3321,G3312, G3302, USA 
(ASTM A792/792M), Australia (AS 1397(G550), AS 1365(G300)…
There are our several products as follows:

+ Galvanized Steel Sheet in Coil (GI)

+ Zinc Aluminium Coated Steel in Coil (GL)

+ Pre-painted Galvanized Steel Sheet in Coil (PPGI)
+ Pre-painted Zinc Aluminium Coated Steel in Coil (PPGL)
+ Steel pipe ( square – rectangle pipe)

Company Information Galvanized steel coil from Vietnam- no anti dumping

At the moment, Nam have two factory which is in Binh Duong Province with the best production lines From Korean and Germany. Our product is always chosen very strict according to JIS ( Japan Standard ) before packing and exporting.
Deliverly time:
At this moment, we have:
– 02 line process for Galvalume metal coatings
– 02 line process for Galvanized steel coil
– 02 line process for colour coil
total capacity around 700.000 – 1.000.000 MTs/years
So we can product and ship to the customer around 15 – 30 days after L/c effective

Outstanding quality Galvanized Metal Coatings from Vietnam – no anti dumping

Especially produced for various using purposes. Duration is 4 times longer than other normal GIs, High anti-corrosion and anti-heat.
The Chromate layer:
Anti-stain and anti – oxidization
Keeping the surface of the products shiny for a long time.
Reduce cracks, scratchs of coating layer in the process of stamping and rolling.
Industrial & civil construction.
Production of roofing, walls, ceilings, gutters…
Sliding door, rolling door, folding door..
Interior and exterior decoration.
Drainage pipes, air conditioning pipes.
Computer cases, electrical cabinets, washing machines…

Nam Kim Group | Nam Kim Steel | Nam Kim Steel Manufacturer

Cell: 0084.1699.493.696 | Skype : Thaiphikhanh_bily
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” Colossians 3:23

Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 3, 2016

Increasing price HRC, CRC, coated steel coil February 2016

NAM KIM STEEL, NJ – The bi-monthly SteelBenchmarker TM Chinese HRB price for February 22
nd 2016 rose 4.8% to $262 per tonne for the second consecutive time. The World export HRB price surged 4.0% to $28 3 per tonne after two consecutive declines. The Western European HRB price increase d 0.5% to $362 per tonne (on a Euro basis, it increased 1.6%) for the second consecutive time.
 Price The United States HRC spot price declined 0.5% to $441 per metric tonne after four consecutive increases. In its two hundred thirty seventh report, the SteelBenchmarker TM released 10 steel products and 3 USA scrap prices. Of the se, here are four benchmark prices for hot-rolled band for
February 22, 2016:
 Price USA HRC – $441 per metric tonne ($400 per net ton), FOB the mill – down $2 per tonne from $443 ($402 nt) two weeks ago, down $196 from the recent low of $637 ($578 nt) on May 27,
2013 and down $112 from the low of $553 per tonne ($502 nt) on Nov. 23, 2009. It is down $529 per tonne from the recent high of $970 ($880 nt) on Mar. 28, 2011 and down $762 (63.3%) from the record peak of $1,203 per tonne ($1,091 nt) on July 28, 2008.
Price China HRC– $262 per metric tonne, ex-works – up $12 per tonne from $250 two weeks ago, down $185 per tonne from the recent low of $447 on Sept. 10, 2012 and down $145 per tonne from the low of $407 per tonne on Oct. 12, 2009. It is down $375 per tonne from the recent high of $637 on Aug. 22, 2011 and down $471 (64.3%) from the record peak of $733 per tonne on July 14, 2008.
Price Western Europe HRC – $362 (€327e) per metric tonne , ex-works – up $2 per tonne from $360 (€322e) two weeks ago (on a Euro basis, up €5), down $228 (down €127) from the recent low of $590 (€454) on July 8, 2013 and down $209 (down €54) from the low of $571 (€381) per tonne on Nov. 23, 2009. It is down $490 (€278) per tonne from the recent high of $852 (€605) on Mar. 28, 2011 and down $842 (69.9%) (€429) (56.7%) from the record peak of $1,204 (€756) per tonne on July 14, 2008.
World Export Price – $283 per metric tonne, FOB the port of export – up $11 compared to $272 two weeks ago, down $249 per tonne from the recent low of $532 on Oct. 8, 2012 and down $213 from the low of $496 per tonne on Nov. 9, 2009. It is down $490 per tonne from the recent high of $773 on Feb. 14, 2011 and down $830 (74.6%) from the record peak of $1,113 per tonne on July 28, 2008.

Nam Kim Group | Nam Kim Steel | Nam Kim Steel Manufacturer

Cell: 0084.1699.493.696 | Skype : Thaiphikhanh_bily
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” Colossians 3:23

Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 2, 2016

Standard Specification for Steel Sheet Galvalume ASTM A792

I. Classification of Aluminum – zinc Alloy – Coated by the Hot Dip process (Galvalume – GL)

1. Scope Standard Specification for Steel Sheet Galvalume ASTM A792
1.1 This specification covers 55 % aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel sheet in coils and cut lengths.
1.2 This product is intended for applications requiring
corrosion resistance or heat resistance, or both.
1.3 The product is produced in a number of designations,
types, and grades which are designed to be compatible with
differing application requirements.
1.4 Product furnished under this specification shall conform
to the applicable requirements of the latest issue of Specification A 924/A 924M, unless otherwise provided herein.
1.5 This specification is applicable to orders in either
inch-pound units (as A 792) or SI units (as A 792M). Values in
inch-pound and SI units are not necessarily equivalent. Within
the text, SI units are shown in brackets. Each system shall be
used independent of the other.
1.6 Unless the order specifies the “M” designation (SI
units), the product shall be furnished to inch-pound units.
1.7 The text of this specification references notes and
footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and
footnotes, excluding those in tables and figures, shall not be
considered as requirements of this specification.
1.8This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents Standard Specification for Steel Sheet Galvalume ASTM A792
2.1 ASTM Standards Galvalume ASTM A792
A 90/A 90MTest Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on
Iron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings
A 568/A 568MSpecification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, and
High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled,
General Requirements for
A 902Terminology Relating to Metallic Coated Steel Products
A 924/A 924MSpecification for General Requirements for
Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process
E 517Test Method for Plastic Strain Ratiorfor Sheet Metal
E 646Test Method for Tensile Strain-Hardening Exponents
(n-Values) of Metallic Sheet Materials
3. Terminology Galvalume ASTM A792
3.1 Definitions—See Terminology A 902 for definitions of
general terminology relating to metallic-coated hot-dip products.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 regular spangle—the unaltered 55 % aluminum-zinc
(Al-Zn) crystal structure that occurs during normal solidification of a hot-dip coated steel sheet.
3.2.2 high temperature steel—a product intended for use in
elevated temperature applications.
4. Classification Galvalume ASTM A792
4.1 The material is available in several designations, as
4.1.1Commercial Steel—CS Types A, B, and C,
4.1.2Forming Steel—FS,
4.1.3Drawing Steel—DS,
4.1.4High Temperature Steel—HTS, and
4.1.5Structural Steel—SS.
4.2 Structural steel is available in several grades based on
mechanical properties. Structural Steel Grade 50 [340] is available in three classes based on tensile strength. Structural Steel Grade 80 [550] is available in two classes, based on chemistry.
4.3 The product is available in several coating weights

5. Ordering Information
5.1 55 % aluminum-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet in coils
and cut lengths is produced to thickness requirements expressed to 0.001 in. [0.01 mm]. The thickness of the sheet
includes the base metal and the coating.
5.2 Orders for product to this specification shall include the
following information, as necessary, to adequately describe the
desired product.
5.2.1 Name of product (steel sheet, 55 % aluminum-zinc
alloy coated),
5.2.2 Designation of sheet steel {CS (Type A, B, or C), FS,
DS, HTS, or SS}. When a CS type is not specified, Type B will be
5.2.3 Strength grade as required for Structural Steel,
5.2.4 ASTM designation number and year of issue, such as
A 792 – for inch-pound units or A 792M – for SI units,
5.2.10 Packaging,
5.2.11 Certification, if required, and heat analysis and mechanical property report,
5.2.12 Application (show part identification and description), and
5.2.13 Special requirements (if any). If required, the product may be ordered to a
specified base metal thickness. See Supplementary Requirement S1.
NOTE 1—Typical ordering descriptions are as follows:
Steel sheet, 55 % aluminum-zinc alloy-coated, Forming Steel (FS),
ASTM A 792 – , coating designation AZ55, chemical treatment, no
oil, minimum 0.035 by 36 in. by coil, 48-in. maximum OD, 24-in. ID,
10 000-lb maximum, for muffler wrappers.
Steel sheet, 55 % aluminum-zinc alloy-coated, Commercial Steel (CS
Type A), ASTM A 792M – , coating designation AZM150, chemical
treatment, no oil, minimum 0.90 by 900 mm by coil, 1200-mm maximum
OD, 600-mm ID, 4500-kg maximum, for building panels.

 II. Mechanical Properties of Aluminum – zinc Alloy – Coated by the Hot Dip process (Galvalume – GL)

Many interrelated factors that affect the ability of a steel to cold form over a given radius under shop conditions. These factors include thickness, strength level, degree of restraint, relationship to rolling direction, chemistry, and base metal micro structure. Lists the suggested minimum inside radii for 90° cold bending for Structural Steels. They presuppose “hard way” bending (bend axis parallel to the rolling direction) and reasonably good shop forming practices. Where possible, the use of larger radii or “easy way” bends are recommended for improved performance.
Fabricators should be aware that cracks may initiate upon bending a sheared or cold-worked edge. This is not considered to be a fault of the steel but is rather a function of the induced localized cold-work zone.

 Nam Kim Steel Company  

Tel: +84650 37 9999 2 (Mr. Joshua)
Mobile/Viber/Whatsapp: +84 169.949.3.696
Skype: thaiphikhanh_bily
Facebook: Nam kim group
Linkedin: Nam Kim Group

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 2, 2016


  1. Anti dumping color steel coil in investigation time.

Surely, you did not forget the information of investigate pre painted steel coil in Malaysia on 23 November 2015. In the tiltle: ANTI DUMPING DUTIES STEEL COLOR COIL FOR CHINA MIL AND VIETNAM MIL. The goverment of Malaysia had issued the information that Anti dumping for Nam Kim Steel mil 5.68%. Today in 2016 the lucky holy smile with Nam Kim Steel in Vietnam. So The Nam Kim Mil steel in Vietnam had not anti dumping for the color steel coil in Malaysia market.

 2. The Anti dumping color steel coil Malaysia after investigation time and determination anti dumping duty.

IN exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 25(3) (c) of the countervailing and Anti – Dumping Duties Act 1993 [Act 504] and regulation 15 of the countervailing and Anti – Dumping Duties Regulations 1994 [P.U. (A) 233/1994], the Government has made a final determination under subsection 25(1) of the Act that there is no dumping margin exists with regard to the prepainted, painted or colour coated steel coils classified under the Harmonised System (H.S. Code) 7210.70 210, 7210.70 290 and 721.70 900 and ASEAN Harmonised Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN) 7210.70.10 00, 7210.70.90 20 and 7210.70.90 90 originating or exported from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam into Malaysia by Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company.
Reason for negative final determination
The reason for the negative final determination is that the export price value of the subject merchandise is higher than its domestic price value.
What is the solution when the anti dumping steel coil come to MALAYSIA:
Please click here: What is the solution for Anti dumping coated steel coil


Tel: +84650 37 9999 2 (Mr. Joshua)
Mobile/Viber/Whatsapp: +84 169.949.3.696
Skype: thaiphikhanh_bily